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Membership for Malaysian Gynaecological Cancer Society is open to medical and paramedical personale. There are two categories of membership:

1. Ordinary member: Any person who is a registered specialist in O&G and who currently holds the MOG, MRCOG or any comparable degrees. Ordinary member is also known to have been working in a discipline related to Gynaecologic Oncology and who have made a contribution to this field. 

2. Associate member: Open to other O&G specialist, medical practitioners, Pathologists, Radiation Oncologist, Medical Oncologist, O&G Medical Officers,Oncology Pharmacists and other paramedical staffs who have been involved in management of Gynaecologic Cancer.


The annual registration fee is RM50 for ordinary member and RM30 for Associate members. Both membership will received similar advantages but Associate member do not have right to vote or to be elected for MGCS counsil members. Click the membership application form below, filling up the form and email it to us at For Associate membership, you DO NOT need proposers.

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